Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) stats:

More than 10 million cases of COPD per year in India.

According to WHO, COPD is ranked 3rd amongst the top 10 causes of death.


For instance there are 2,500 pulmonologists in India which means for every doctor there are approximately 4,000 IHD patients!

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly referred to as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases. The most common are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Many people with COPD have both of these conditions. Emphysema slowly destroys air sacs in your lungs, which interferes with outward air flow. Bronchitis causes inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial tubes, which allows mucus to build up.


Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, and a cough that produces sputum. These symptoms are present for a prolonged period of time and typically worsen over time. It is unclear whether different types of COPD exist. While previously divided into emphysema and chronic bronchitis, emphysema is only a description of lung changes rather than a disease itself, and chronic bronchitis is simply a descriptor of symptoms that may or may not occur with COPD.

Risk Factors:

The primary cause of COPD is tobacco smoke, with occupational exposure and pollution from indoor fires being significant causes in some countries. Typically, these must occur over several decades before symptoms develop. A person's genetic makeup also affects the risk.


Treatment can ease symptoms, prevent complications, and generally slow disease progression.

  • Medications: Bronchodilator and Steroid
  • Supportive care: Oxygen therapy
  • Self-care: Physical exercise, Quitting smoking and Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Therapy: Pulmonary rehabilitation